How to Removing Tonsil Stones Effortlessly

Tonsil stones can become a very serious and persistent problem that affects your life in an adverse way. In essence, tonsil stones are lumps trapped in your throat that look white or yellow in color. These stones that become trapped in your mouth consist of food particles leftover in your mouth, white blood cells, and keratin.

Usually these stones don’t cause any kind of harm or injury unless they become very big. When they reach a certain size these stones can easily cause some painful and uncomfortable symptoms like excessive coughing, pain while swallowing, pain in your airway, and more. The good news is there are some great how to removing tonsil stones methods that can help you stop this problem.

Knocking Them Out

You can use a toothbrush or a cotton swab to knock out the tonsil stones trapped in your mouth. To do this you will need to first get yourself a flashlight and get in front of a mirror. Use the flashlight to shine some light on the areas where the tonsil stones are located so that you can see them clearly.

Have You Considered The Toothbrush and Cotton Swab Method?

With the flashlight in one hand and the cotton swab or toothbrush in the other you will have to push up on the stones at the bottom. Make sure you don’t push too hard with the toothbrush or cotton swab because you don’t want to break up the stones and make the problem worse.

Just take your time and push on the bottom part of the stones and they will eventually get pushed out. Right after the stones get released you should gargle some alcohol-based mouthwash and then spit it out. Make sure you get all traces of the tonsil stones out, because if you swallow any bits of them left behind you’ll experience bad breath.

Keep in mind that you should never try to force out the stone if it doesn’t release easily. If you are having a hard time knocking out the stones then you can go ahead and try one of the other tonsil stone removal methods.

Gargling Salt Water Is Preventative and Therapeutic

If you want to know how to removing tonsil stones one of the next best things you can do is gargle with some salt water. The fizz that salt water makes when you gargle allows it to free the tonsil stones by loosening them up. When it comes to removing tonsil stones with salt water you have to use a cup of warm water with a tablespoon of iodized table salt.

You can use this remedy to keep the stones from recurring in the same spot on your tonsils that they once were as this method is great for overall oral hygiene.

Salt water also helps prevent tonsil stones from developing by stopping bacteria and other debris from developing inside the crevices of your tonsils, in and around your mouth.

So after each meal gargle with a cup of salt water to help keep your oral health in top shape. After you finish gargling with salt water make sure you drink some plain water as the salt water might leave your mouth dry, which can lead to more tonsil stones.

Garlic Contains Anti-Bacterial Properties

That’s right, one of the most common items in the kitchen can help treat and prevent tonsil stones. Garlic helps remove the stones from your mouth because it contains a great anti-bacterial property that is essential for keeping the bacteria inside your mouth under control.

If you know bacteria is the cause of your tonsil stones then simply chew on a raw garlic clove for ten minutes or so. Yes, you may not like this method very much as chewing garlic is not so pleasant but it is effective. Since most bacteria accumulates in the mouth over night while you’re sleeping you it is recommended that you chew some garlic right before you go to sleep.

These are just some way how to get rid of tonsil stones that someone can do at home. If you think you have this problem but are unsure, always consult with your doctor or dentist about your tonsil stones before doing any home treatments and remedies.

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