Tonsil stones, also known as tonsilloliths, are caused by an accumulation of sulfur-producing bacteria and debris that become lodged in the tonsils. The debris putrifies in the back of your throat and causes bad breath and discomfort. Read on for several methods for getting rid of these pesky stones.
1. Use your tongue.

2. Remove them with your finger.

Wash your hands with warm, soapy water and rinse them well, then open your mouth and find your tonsils with your finger. Apply pressure and then push up slightly so that the tonsil stones pop out. Rinse your mouth out with water.
3. Flush them out with water.

Gargle with salt water or carbonated water to loosen the tonsil stones and help them ease out of your tonsils.
4. Massage them with a toothbrush.

Use a soft toothbrush, since you don't want to create abrasions and further inflame your tonsils. Try to gently break up the stones by massaging them gently. If they don't pop out, gargle with salt water to see if they may have become loose.
Read on for several methods for removing tonsil stones. Here
Video How to Removing Tonsil Stones at Home
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